

Yokogawa's Scopecorder instruments can capture high speed transients, low speed trends, or anything inbetween.  A ScopeCorder is a flexible and powerful multi-channel test and measuring solution which combines the benefits of a high precision oscilloscope and a traditional data acquisition recorder.

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YOKOGAWA DL850E/DL850EV SCOPECORDER Measure and analyze a wealth of signals in real-time and speed up development and fault finding. The DL850E ScopeCorder is a powerful portable data acquisition recorder and oscilloscope that can capture and analyze both transient events and trends up to 200 days. Using flexible modular inputs it combines measurements of electrical signals, physical (sensors) and CAN / LIN serial buses and is able to trigger on electrical power related and other calculations in real-time. Localized language... SCOPECORDERS
YOKOGAWA HIGH-SPEED DATA ACQUISITION UNIT SL1000 The new Yokogawa SL1000 is the only data acquisition system that delivers independent, isolated channel hardware at 100MS/ch rates, with no compromise in bit resolution, memory depth, or streaming performance. - Release of new firmware version 2.21 - July 25,2014 SCOPECORDERS